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Louisiana Wills and Codicils

Salley Law Firm provides a full range of services to testators and executors in respect to wills, including their drafting, review, amendment, revocation, execution and probate.


A will is essential at every stage of your life. Your advance directive (or living will) sets the parameters for medical intervention should you become incapacitated. This assures that when you are most vulnerable, your wishes will be honored.

Your last will provides the opportunity to distribute your property, establish care for your children and otherwise express your wishes upon your death. If you die without a will, Louisiana law and the court will determine how your property is distributed, who cares for your children and even what happens to your pet – making decisions that might not reflect your desires. Cecily Salley will work closely with you to memorialize your intentions completely and to assure that they can be carried out in the most efficient manner possible.


As your life changes, so might your estate needs. You should update your will periodically throughout your life. Salley Law Firm can draft valid codicils that address changes in your financial situation, marital status, number of children, philanthropic interests and general lifestyle decisions.


If you have minor children, your will allows you to make decisions about their future care. Naming a tutor is especially important if you are a single parent, but even married couples must consider the remote possibility of perishing in a common incident. If you do not name a tutor, the court will appoint one whose decisions may be in conflict with your parenting goals.

Contact an estate planning lawyer you can trust.

For comprehensive estate planning services in Covington and throughout Louisiana, call Salley Law Firm at 985-867-3363 or contact Cecily Salley online.